The SFPE Foundation is excited to announce its first RFP for 2020. The project will begin to fill an identified gap that is an important piece of the Research Roadmap. A brief project summary is included in this email, additional details are on the Foundation website for those interested in the project.
Award Amount: up to $20,000 (USD)
Open to All
Application Deadline: June 15, 2020
Timeline: 4 months from project initiation
Project Contact: SFPE Foundation Liaison – Ryan Tunkel
General Description
The SFPE Foundation has initiated a project whose overall goal is to develop a comprehensive set of practical tools that may be used by engineers aligned with the state of the practice as described in the 5th edition of the SFPE Handbook of Fire Protection Engineering.
The Foundation seeks a research contractor for the first step toward this goal: to understand the common tasks and workflow of practicing fire protection engineers, to identify the tools needed to support engineers in the practice of fire protection engineering and to identify gaps between the common practices and available practical tools.
The deadline for proposal submittals is June 15, 2020.